March 19, 2015

Dear Friend, Your Day Will Come And It Will Be Worth The Wait

This post is to all my friends and family who are waiting for something to happen. 

I have been there. I have waited. I have been disappointed. I have been patient. I have been sad. I have been jealous. I have been impatient. I have had my melt downs. I have even given up at times and then started waiting again. I really have been there, for years even. 

No matter what you are waiting for, be it marriage, a baby, bonus money/tax return, a house, whatever it is, it will come. It may not be today. It may not be tomorrow. It's possible it may not be this year. But I truly do believe that your day will come when you receive what it is that you have been waiting for. 

I know it's hard, especially when it seems like everyone else is getting what it is that you have been waiting forever for. It doesn't seem fair. In some cases, it doesn't seem right. You are doing all you need and/or supposed to do and yet you aren't being blessed with what you are working so hard for. I've been there. I know how down in the dumps you can feel. I know how much you really want this and are working so hard at it just to have your hopes crushed over and over and over again. 

But that one day when it does finally come.... That is the best day in the world! And it will make all the waiting disappear. You will feel the happiest you have ever felt. You will completely forget all the heartache and disappointment. You will rejoice in the product of all of that waiting. A heavy burden will suddenly be lifted off of your shoulders and you will feel as light as air. And then you will feel anxious. Maybe scared, terrified really. Excited and nervous. And though you have finally gotten what you have been waiting all of this time, you will doubt that you have made the right choice. But if it truly is the right choice, those feelings will pass and go away. 

Getting what you want is not always the best. Being a wife is hard work. Being a mother is hard work. Being a home owner is hard work. Getting a promotion means more responsibility and work. Getting what you want is great (especially big things), but usually it means more work, responsibility, worry, and stress. So keep in mind that everything does come with a price. I'm not saying this to put you off.

Until the day comes when you no longer have to wait, please continue to be the awesome person that you are. Be the wonderful sister, friend, wife, aunt, etc. you are. You are an amazing, beautiful, strong, funny, intelligent person and I appreciate you for all you do for me. I look forward to the day where I can share in your joy. Until then, I love you and wish the best for you. I am always thinking of you and praying for you. 

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