February 24, 2017

Today I Am Grateful

I'm grateful that I have a moment to sit down and write.
After a very frightening call from FATMAN!, I've been thinking a lot about all of the things I have and how grateful I am for everything.
I'd like to share some of those things with you.

I am grateful for my home and its roof that protects my head.
I am grateful for the food that I have and the nutrition it provides.
I'm grateful for my clothes that keep me warm.
I am grateful for my husband and for all that he does for me and my boys.
I am so very grateful for my boys and for the wonderful blessing that I get to be a mom.
I am grateful for my boys's smiles, laughter, and sense of wonderment.
I'm grateful for toys for me, FATMAN!, and the boys.
I'm grateful for a wonderful loving family who are always there for me when I need them.
I'm grateful for great friends to talk to and learn from.
I am grateful for my education and for the resources I have to learn more if I want to.
I am grateful for technology and being able to keep in contact with family and friends who live back home and elsewhere.
I am grateful for my imagination.
I am grateful for my many talents and for the chances I get to share them with others.
I'm grateful for art because it beautifies my home.
I'm grateful for an amazing credit union who has our back and catches problems before they become disastrous.
I'm grateful for books, music, and movies to keep Squid and myself entertained.
I'm grateful for Jamberry.
And as much as I hate it, I am grateful for the snow that has fallen to make the coming summer easier.

There are so many other things that I am grateful for, but if I don't stop now, I may not ever stop. There are so many good things in life. All we have to do is look.